Konstantinos Tasias, Assistant Professor
University of Western Macedonia
School of Engineering Campus, 50100, Active Urban Planning Zone (ZEP), Kozani
+30 24610 56643
Personal Information
Nationality: Hellenic
Date of Birth: June, 9th 1985
Birth Place: Katerini
2013 – 2016
PhD in University of Western Macedonia, Polytechnic School, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management Division “Development and
analysis of advanced adaptive Statistical Process Control Charts for the joint
monitoring of variables’ central tendency and dispersion“. Supervisor:
Professor George Nenes
MSc in Industrial Engineering , University of Thessaly, Polytechnic School, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management Division
Diploma in Management and Business Administration, University of Macedonia
Diploma in Aeronautical Engineering, Hellenic Air Force Academy, Department of
Aeronautical Engineering
Research Interests
Statistical Quality Control
Maintenance Management
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Management
Teaching Experience
Teaching assistant
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Western Macedonia (2014-2015): Statistical Quality Control
University of Western Macedonia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2021- ): Technological Systems Reliability and Maintenance
University of Western Macedonia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2020- ): Decision Theory and Data Analysis
University of Western Macedonia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2018- ): Industrial Management
University of Western Macedonia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2018-20 ): Total Quality Management
University of Western Macedonia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2017- ): Supply Chain Management
Technical Non-Commissioned Officers Hellenic Air Force Academy, (2017-18): Probability and Statistics, Quality Management
Journal Publications
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., 2012. A Variable Parameter Shewhart Control Scheme for Joint Monitoring of Process Mean and Variance, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 63 (4), 1154-1170.
Nenes, G., Tasias, A. K., Celano, G., 2015. A General Model for the Economic-Statistical Design of Adaptive Control Charts for Processes Subject to Multiple Assignable Causes, International Journal of Production Research, 53 (7), 2146-2164.
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., 2018. Economic-Statistical Design of Vp Control Schemes for Joint Monitoring of Mean and Variance in the Presence of Multiple Assignable Causes, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 15 (4), 484-506.
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., 2018. Optimization of a Fully Adaptive Quality and Maintenance Model in the presence of Multiple Location and Scale Quality Shifts, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 54, 64-81.
Tasias, A.K., Nenes, G. 2020. Monitoring location and scale of multivariate processes subject to a multiplicity of assignable causes. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 17 (5), 592-608.
Tasias, A.K. 2022. Integrated quality, maintenance and production model for multivariate processes: A Bayesian approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 63, 35-51.
Tasias, A.K. 2023. Simultaneous optimization of inventory, maintenance, and quality for production systems subject to multiple mean and variance shifts. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.
Tasias, A.K., Alevizakos, V. 2024. Cumulative sum control charts for monitoring zero-inflated COM-Poisson processes, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 40 (5), 2891-2903.
Publications in Conference Proceedings
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., 2015. A multi-objective fully adaptive control scheme for joint monitoring of location and scale of processes subject to a multiplicity of assignable causes. 28th Panhellenic Statistics Conference, Athens, Greece, 15-18 April.
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., 2016. Optimal Adaptive Maintenance and Quality Control Model for processes subject to Failure and Multiple Quality Shifts affecting both location and scale. 29th Panhellenic Statistics Conference, Naoussa, Greece, 4-7 May.
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., Panagiotidou, S., 2019. A multivariate model for holistic optimization of continuously monitored processes. 32nd Panhellenic Statistical Conference, Ioannina, Greece, 30 May-1 June. (in Greek)
Tasias, A.K., Kosti, P. 2021. Optimal location of aerial firefighting resources to maximize coverage: A case study of Greece. Proceedings of the 33rd Panhellenic Statistics Conference, Larissa, Greece, 23-26 September.
Tsiota, K., Tasias, A.K. 2022. An action-based process monitoring tool for quality shifts with multiple root causes. Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA), Athens, Greece, 7-10 June.
Kolonelos, P., Nenes, G., Tasias, A.K. 2022. A quality control scheme for multistage manufacturing systems with multiple disruptions. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 17-19 November.
Tasias, A.K., Mpistintzanos, P., Pekridis, F. 2023. Α mission reliability redundancy model for an aircraft fleet with cold standby spare parts. 35th Panhellenic and 1st International Statistics Conference, Athens, Greece, 25-28 May.
Thomaidis, I., Dasaklis, T., Tasias, A.K., Rachaniotis, N. 2023. Blockchain technology in the Greek Supply Chain sector: An empirical examination of adoption patterns. IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions (IEEE ICTMOD), Rabat, Morocco, 22-24 November.
Conference Presentations
Tasias, A.K., Nenes, G., Celano, G., Tagaras, G., 2013. Economic-Statistical Design of Adaptive X-bar Charts for Processes Subject to Multiple Assignable Causes. 3rd International Symposium on Statistical Process Control, Piraeus, Greece, 9-11 July.
Tasias, A.K., Nenes, G, 2015. A Fully Adaptive Multivariate Control Scheme for Simultaneous Monitoring of Mean Vector and Covariance Matrix of Processes Subject to a Multiplicity of Assignable Causes. 4th International Symposium on Statistical Process Monitoring, Padova, Italy, 7-9 July.
Tasias, A. K., Nenes, G., Panagiotidou, S., 2018. Integrated Production Process Optimization: A Bayesian Approach. International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, Piraeus, Greece, 4-6 July.
Tasias, A.K. 2018. Statistical monitoring as a data-driven tool for holistic process optimization. 1st Regional Workshop of European young researchers in statistics, Paris, France, 29-31 October.
Tasias, Α. K., Nenes, G., Panagiotidou, S., 2019. A Bayesian production, maintenance and quality model for processes in big data environments. 30th European Conference on Operational Research, Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 June.
Tasias, A.K., Nenes, G., Tsiota, K. 2021. A statistical process monitoring tool for processes with flexible parameters. 19 th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Conference, Athens, 1-4 June.
Tsiota, K., Tasias, A.K. 2022. An action-based process monitoring tool for quality shifts with multiple root causes. 7th Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference (SMTDA), Athens, Greece, 7-10 June.
Tsiota, K., Tasias, A.K. 2023. An integrated SPC and maintenance model for processes with high investigation costs. 7th International Symposium on Statistical Process Monitoring, Valencia, Spain, 3-7 July.
Reviewer Service
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Communications in Statistics: Case Studies and Data Analysis
Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods
Computers and Industrial Engineering
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
International Journal of Production Economics
International Journal of Production Research
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering
Journal of Risk and Reliability
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
Production and Operations Management
Quality& Reliability Engineering International
Quality Technology & Quantitative Management
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence
Distinctions and Scholarships
Best Young Statistician Award (2015), Hellenic Statistical Institute
Honored from the Hellenic Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics for the best Diploma Thesis in the Hellenic Air Force Academy among all engineer specialties (aeronautical, electronic and civil) in the academic year 2006-2007
Greek, Mother Tongue
English, Cambridge and Michigan Proficiency